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I Have a Confession

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I Have a Confession

I think you’ll be shocked by what you’re about to read.

Man. Is it too late for me to turn back?

Have you ever stayed awake at night trying to determine what you’re truly passionate about? I have and I’ve discovered my passion…Yikes! That’s even scary to say out loud. To “discover your passion” feels like it carries such responsibility with it. Am I responsible to now go spread my passion everywhere I go and let people watch like some entertaining Broadway show? My introverted heart hasn’t been enjoying the “let everyone watch” idea. I would much rather be at home alone and go lock myself in my bedroom with some oils in the humidifier, some Torchy’s cheese dip, and passionately learn from a great book. Notice that, in that statement, I am just quietly living my life with no one watching me. lol

When most people start a new venture, they’ll give you all the reasons why their idea is the best idea ever. They’ll confidently state why they’re doing it and why everyone else should want to watch and follow their every move. But I’m about to tell you why I almost don’t want to start on this platform and why it scares me to death. Honestly, I’m only doing it because I really feel like it’s part of my calling and purpose.

So here’s why I am scared as I begin my new venture, Jeneil’s Angle:

1. I will be working with artists and creatives all of the time. “Wait, you just talked about how much you love artists for 2 blogs straight!” I know, I know. Let me explain. I have been married to, best friends, and business partners with an artist for over 12 years now, so I am very familiar with what it’s like to work closely with creatives. I also realize that they can be a little bit of an unpredictable roller coaster in the eyes of us non-creatives. Don’t get me wrong, I love it!!! I love how working with creatives is so much fun, so freeing, and just so exciting. But sometimes the detail, planner, and introverted side of me just wants to have a very predictable day or month or year…maybe. So the predictable side of me is feeling a little uneasy right now with starting this new endeavor. If you have ever been married to or worked with opposites before, I’m sure you can relate with the simultaneous joys and hardships. God made opposites attract for a reason. Maybe you are in a situation now with someone who thinks VERY differently than you. I encourage you to join me in not despising that. Instead, choose to embrace and even enjoy your differences. We need each other!

2. I’m an at-home engineer. Read that as, in my mind I’m JUST a stay-at-home-mom. Mom’s have that “What I do in my home can’t be anything special because there are mothers everywhere I turn doing what I do” feeling. How could what I do be helpful or useful to anyone in business? But that’s exactly how a lot of creatives feel when they turn around and see so many other artists and creatives that may be doing a little of the same things that they do. They may feel like “Why do we need another ________ (fill in the blank with their talent)? I’m not gonna do it.” “There’s no way I could be successful at this, and I certainly can’t make any money with so many people doing the exact same thing that I do.” But the crazy part is that we really are all unique. There is no one out there doing what we do with our gifts and talents the same way as us. My experience working with artists is completely different from any of the other awesome people that I follow who teach how to grow in my industry. My view from my life experiences is different from anyone else’s viewpoint even though they may do the same things that I do. It’s the same for you. Your life experiences, viewpoint, and personality make EVERYTHING you do unique. Even if 10,000 other people have the same talent as you, they could never be you and do it like you do.

3. I’m just downright afraid. I battle the fear of not being successful at this. There’s the fear of not being able to balance it all after adding one more thing on my already full plate. Fear of not being able to use my giftings and take care of my daily responsibilities at home and our music business. Fear of not taking care of my health circumstances naturally and begin working my body out while taking on my new undertaking. Can I truly arrive at this coveted place of life-balance? I don’t know if I will be able to or not. Guys, I may look pretty out of balance at times! But what I do know is that there are people waiting on the other side of my obedience in doing my purpose. Even as I trip and fall and just downright fail along the way, I must walk in obedience to my Maker. The point is that I can’t stop before I start, because there are people waiting for me to share life from my vantage point. Just like you, my creative friends, I can’t quit because there are people waiting. Together, let’s move in the direction of our fear. I’m picking up my microphone (aka the internet) and I’m stepping on the platform.

I don’t feel like I have the optimistic entrepreneurial spirit, but I do have something I would love to give to a group of people for the next 10 years. And I realize that, in order to do just that, I must be willing to lead by being a leader who creates opportunities instead of being just another cog (worker).  So here I am starting this journey thinking that I probably shouldn’t, but I’m sooooo doing it. Maybe that’s you out there. Maybe you’re a creative who may be feeling hesitant about starting a business (a.k.a. making money so you can create more art). Maybe you’re hesitant because you’re fearful of the unknown and doing business tasks that go against your natural flow. Or maybe you’re thinking, “There’s 1,000 of me out there, so they don’t really need me.” Maybe you’re just downright scared. If that’s you, then let’s chat. Let’s go on this journey together. Let’s step out to change the world while NOT being starving artists. Let’s be creatives in business who make money so that we don’t just survive but instead create and help others for a long time to come. So I’m here for you when you need me. Actually, we may need to encourage each other….so Hello! I’m Jeneil from Jeneil’s Angle.  I can’t wait to hear from you! What’s your name and what talents and passions do you have to share with the world?

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Jeneil Flowers

I am very simple really. I love my family. I live naturally. I support artists. I admire all things creative. I do it all for God. Let's rise together.


  • Vyry Coasey

    Reply June 18, 2018 8:04 pm

    Amen! I had a business/soul searching meeting this past Saturday and Fear came up. Pretty much the same reasons you had. So my business partners casted out the fear!! It was the most amazing initimate experience outside of being in church. Fear likes to wiggle itself back but I will cast it out intentionally everyday because Fear is a Lie, there is an amazing song I heard on KLove there are so many people counting in me not to be stopped by fear and that keeps me going. Thank you Jeniel for your story. 🌸🦋🌸

  • Erin

    Reply June 19, 2018 1:18 am

    You are amazing! And such an inspiration… Because you share your heart… Authenticity!!! Let’s do lunch soon! 💋💋💋 Please?!

  • Madeline Gomez

    Reply June 21, 2018 9:14 am

    All of the yeses friend. Proud of you and thank you. God’s been dealing with me… speaking through so many places. This is one. ♥️

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