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Meet the Newest Addition To Your Support Team! (Part 2)

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Meet the Newest Addition To Your Support Team! (Part 2)

I asked my dad if it bothered him that he never used his creative gifts and talents that he enjoys to provide for us. He said, “No. I’ve never thought about it.” Not a shocking answer from a “just get the job done” baby boomer. He continued explaining how he’s always been content no matter the circumstance and he’s never looked back on his life with regrets. I’ve always loved those character traits about him.
Honestly, I already knew he didn’t regret what he did in life or taking care of his family by doing whatever job he had to do…But I did. Yes, he enjoyed life and his time off to the fullest. Even now as a man in early retirement, he’s known as the family bingo caller. You can always find him at all the family events willingly leading the entertainment and making sure that everyone’s having fun. He is satisfied with that, so I want to be satisfied with that too. But a part of me knows that there are lots of creatives like him out there who are creative writers, painters, singers, poets, videographers and just makers of all things beautiful. And they don’t want to do it just in their off time as a hobby or wait until they retire from their career. They would love to do it more regularly. They would love to do it as their part-time or maybe even full-time work.
Negative thoughts inside of the creative may lead them to not be brave enough to say it or even think that it’s even possible. Maybe they think it’s possible for someone else but not for them. They want to make money doing what they love but feel a false sense of guilt over the thought. I feel called to those people. I feel like God highlights those people in my eyes and my heart. I feel like God does not want them to be retired before they start doing what they love. What if they can look back over their lives and say that they did with they loved every day from 8 to 5, if that is what they desire. I want to see people be able to say that they created something wonderful and it changed their community. I want to see inventors make things that change the way we do things. I want my husband’s music dream to truly come true. I want him to be able to continue to provide for his family and love HOW he provides.
I guess this is where this new blog, “Jeneil’s Angle” comes in. Since you are here, here is my angle. From my viewpoint, every skilled creative, every maker, every person who has something to offer through their gifts and talents should be encouraged, allowed, and supported to use those giftings to provide for their family. I believe that’s true for my husband, but not just for my family, for lots of families. What do you have inside of you that you want to do and accomplish with your giftings and talents? What’s in there that you bury down inside of you from 8 to 5 and then it comes bubbling up as soon as you clock out? Do you want your gift to be your 8 to 5? What steps are you making to make that your 8 to 5? Do you have a support system that believes in you and supports you in making consistent steps no matter how small or how scary big the steps are? Do you have a support system helping you to make sure it happens no matter how long it takes? Let’s do a roll call for that support team. Feel free to call my name first. I’ll raise my hand, “Present”.

Jeneil Flowers

I am very simple really. I love my family. I live naturally. I support artists. I admire all things creative. I do it all for God. Let's rise together.


  • Shirley Burt

    Reply June 4, 2018 6:43 pm

    Well done and said. Proud of you!

  • Nicole Harden

    Reply June 4, 2018 8:29 pm

    Love it!!

  • Johnna McCarthu

    Reply June 4, 2018 8:52 pm

    You already know, I’m so here for this. I thoroughly enjoyed these two blog posts, and so much of what you’ve written resonates deeply with me. I look forward to reading more!

  • Sonia Marie

    Reply June 4, 2018 9:03 pm

    Thank you! Very good stuff! Your openness and clarity in your writing gives me a refreshing reminder of why it’s always worth it to continue cultivating the gifts in me. Keep up the good work, Jeneil!!

  • Christi B

    Reply June 4, 2018 9:41 pm

    🔥🔥🔥beautifully written and an awesome testimony. Thankyou for sharing your gifts and you know this hits home for us! You are definitely part of our support team 😊

  • James Pride

    Reply June 4, 2018 9:45 pm

    This is such a touching blog. I am in a place right now in my life where I am seeking God about the gifts and passions in my heart. Jeneil, I truly believe what God is going to do in your life is going to surpass anything you can imagine. I see part of my wife’s life in you. You both have very similar spirits. When God completes what He is doing in you the wait and the struggle will be well worth it. I look forward to being a witness of the goodness of God as He uses you to accomplish great things. Blessing

  • Monica Curteman

    Reply June 4, 2018 9:53 pm

    I enjoyed reading your past, your present and where you plan to go! In the recent months I’m not sure if you intended on speaking INTO my life, but you did. I felt God nudging me to talk with you privately about my recent decision, and it’s your messages and videos that helped solidify my decision in this season. I am so eager to read more of what God has planned in your life and how I can be a part of it if only just to read + cheer you on! I’m so proud of you. You show me what it’s like to hold on to a dream in private and then share it when it’s time. There’s not to many women who do this well. Thank you for being a willing vessel. Love, Monica

  • Milton Johnson

    Reply June 5, 2018 7:31 am

    Great job! This blog is very inspiring. I look forward to reading more and witnessing how God uses you and your husband. The Lord is doing amazing things through ya’ll already, and He will see it through. Blessing…

  • Mattie Trawick

    Reply June 6, 2018 8:58 pm

    What an awesome blog! Brilliant idea, and I know in my heart you will be a great inspiration for many young adventurers that are willing to stand out boldly and fulfill their dreams and accomplish their God-given talents just as you and Jarrell have done. And hey, not only the “young” but persons of all ages. Age should never stop anyone from venturing out and pursuing their God-given dream or talent. I commend and admire you and Jarrell for doing just that. May God’s blessings be with you and your family wherever He leads and takes you. I know your hearts and your spirit, I know that ONLY His will, will be your will, plan and purpose therefore “there in your midst He will always be. Blessings and love to the four of you. Victorious you will be!

  • Travis Burt

    Reply June 18, 2018 1:36 am

    Well as we say in The South, “Go ahead then” LiL BiG SiS <3 Since you are the baby of our 70's & 80's household, "I thee title you" The Crown Jewel of Emmitt & Linda's offsprings 🙂 I must say how very proud I am of the creative work that you and Nicole have crafted in your lives. I've been away from you all for so many moons (Thanks to our U.S. Army) that it's become second nature of me. On that note, I'm still learning so much "Amazing Grace" filled aspects of you both. So "Keep on keeping on" with your talented treasures to be shared with "This thing they call life" for this world so-need-it! You've read my quote before, and I will reiterate it again; "LEAVE YOUR MARK AND LET HISTORY TELL YOUR STORY" …Loveee Youuu

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