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RISE: Reserved

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RISE: Reserved

It seems like God loves to use everyday situations to give us these life-changing lightbulb moments. That happened to me a few days ago.

During the soundcheck for my concert last weekend, one of the volunteers came up to me and asked me how many people I would be attending the event with me. I started to add everyone up. “Well, I’ve got my family with me so that’s four total. Then I’ve got my drummer and his wife are with me.” My friend (who was also performing) had two people with him as well. The volunteer said to me, “We’re just gonna reserve two rows for all of you. Is that ok?” Two rows equaled about 14 chairs. I told the volunteer that it was great!

After the soundcheck, the service starts. I do my concert portion of the service, and then I go to the green room to cool down. I grabbed some water and headed back out into the service. If you know me, then you know that I don’t really like to draw attention to myself. I try so hard to be unnoticed that it’s to my hurt most of the time. There were over 500 people at this particular event… and here I am in the back of the building walking around in the dark and trying to find a seat in the back so that I wouldn’t bring any attention to me.

I finally found some seats that were blocked off. The event hosts obviously didn’t want anyone to sit there, but I’m one of the guest artists, right? So I snuck into this row that was blocked off and I just sat down. Oh yeah, there was this huge pole that was blocking my line of sight to a part of the stage and I was wayyy in the back. But I was unnoticed so I was good. Then the Holy Spirit whispers to me, “You have reserved seats in the front.” I totally forgot about those!  But the message had already started, and I couldn’t get up and walk to the front. That would bring too much attention to me when people should be listening wholeheartedly to the message. I decided that I was gonna stay right where I was… but that thought wouldn’t go away. I knew that God was actually challenging me to sit in the front. I stood up, walked to the front, and sat in my reserved seats. Something crazy happened when I did.

I didn’t hear anyone complaining about me distracting them as I was walking up to my seat. I didn’t hear anyone say, “Who does that guy think he is sitting in the front row?” I had plenty of room and I could see the stage clearly without a big pole in my way. Then came the lightbulb moment. People weren’t ever gonna be upset or even surprised that I sat in the front. In fact, people EXPECTED me to be in the front. In fact, some people probably thought that it was WEIRD that I WASN’T sitting in the front with the other guests. Then God started speaking to me again.

He told me that He has reserved places for me. These are places of influence. These are places of “more than enough” for me and for those who are with me. He told me that people are actually waiting for me to step into the places that God has reserved for me. Then He told me that I have actually been (1) holding myself back from receiving God’s full favor and (2) robbing others from receiving what God has given me… and I’ve been calling it humility. Ouch! In an attempt to blend in and feel like I’m no better than anyone else, I’ve been sabotaging my own mission. I wasn’t walking in humility as much as I was living by the fear of other people’s opinions and a mentality of lack.

So here I go. I’m embracing everything that God has called me to be. I’m not average. My life is a unique story that God is writing for all of eternity to read. And guess what? Your life is too. It’s time to RISE.


I'm a hip hop and spoken word artist and the founder of Freedom Music Group. I also have the privilege of leading the RISE Movement, a family of artists who are committed to bring the kingdom of God into the art space of San Antonio, TX and beyond. My wife and I are the proud parents of two beautiful girls, Nyomi and Liviya.


  • Stefan Parker

    Reply August 23, 2018 7:52 pm

    Amen bro..

  • Kimberly French

    Reply August 31, 2018 10:21 pm

    Wow!wow! Wow, I feel so strongly that I needed to read this. This was so powerful!!! I am so thankful that God has put you, your family, the entire Rise movement into the position he has in my life. I have always had this creative side within me that seems to come out when I am surrounded by other creatives. I have felt so strongly ever since I can remember that God has called me to ministry. Funny thing is God gave me poems all the time . The thing about my poetry has always been I could only write about God. If I even tried to write a poem that didn’t glorify God it was impossible for me to complete it. When the poems come from God they just pour out of me and seem to go on forever. I love that about God he has completely he he gives me the words that make me fall in love with him more. Thank you for inspiring us and using your gifts for God’s glory, I am so glad you listen to his call.

  • Pingback: RISE: (FOR)Give & Go – FMG

    Reply September 13, 2018 7:55 pm

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