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Summer 2018 from My Angle

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Summer 2018 from My Angle

So much has happened in regards to my artist hubby, Jarrell, and my creative journey this summer. For those who have been laying on the beach all summer and missed any news about my husband and I transitioning, let me briefly update you. After 13 years of traditional full-time church ministry, my husband made the exciting yet difficult decision to resign and become a full-time artist and launch a movement called RISE. So goodbye traditional paychecks and hello music-prenuer. Scary and exciting, right? LOL

The same week of Jarrell’s last Sunday working at the church, we started touring his music. I call the July travel schedule “touring” because that’s what it felt like to our family, but really it was really what the music industry refers to as “one-off” concerts. The road trips included Mexico, Colorado, Mississippi, and Texas. Doing these trips as a family had its hard moments, but oh it was so worth it. Overall June and July were great!

So far this month, I have given a lot of time to helping Jarrell “write the vision and make it plain” in regards to what we feel called to do for creatives through this RISE movement. That has been interesting because we have not only been writing it down. We’ve been making business proposals in the form of visual presentations. I thought that these kinds of presentations were only done by professionals. You know, the people with masters degrees or something. But we are doing it. LOL! Every moment of planning and presenting the vision (over and over) is worth it when I think of this much-needed movement taking flight for all of my present and future creative friends.

We have also been planning for Jarrell’s next full-length album.  So that means it’s album production season over here. Fortunately, the funds for this next album have already been secured. “Yay!” for investors who know their business is their mission! They are anointed to go AND to send others. We’re seeking The Lord for more business owners with a clear understanding of their mission in regards to the great commission.  🙂

These past 4 days are a good reflection of what life looks like for this artist wifey-manager this new season. We have slept in two different cities, we have done one concert, we have attended a Sunday service at our home church, I received a very needed deep tissue massage, we had two different RISE vision meetings with some successful business friends, and we have hosted one RISE group family dinner with 40 of our creative friends. It’s an interesting season. In one sense, Jarrell is home and we are together as a family more than ever. On the other hand, now that Jarrell doesn’t have a full-time job, we seem busier than ever. LOL!

I have enjoyed writing these weekly Jeneil’s Angle blogs for you this summer. I love giving advice to creatives from my angle as a co-owner of a creative business and wife of an indie artist. So far, my blog has talked about many helpful topics such as:

  • The intersection of your greatest talent and your greatest passion
  • Who makes up your tribe
  • What to do with your pain points
  • Do I have a creative hobby or business
  • Is my creative ministry a business
  • Project planning tips

(If you’ve missed any of my previous blogs, don’t forget that they’re archived for you. Just click HERE.)

I also homeschool my kids. We took a long summer break because we had a full summer which included transitioning Jarrell to work from home and music travel. Well, we’re getting back to our homeschool routine this week. This calls for a new blogging schedule for me. So my next blog will be two weeks from now and I will continue that bi-weekly pattern for the rest of the year. I’m excited to continue to help my creative friends with more tips and wisdom that I’ve obtained over the years.

I’m curious. What would you like for me to write about next in regards to business for creatives? Tell me in the comments below.

Jeneil Flowers

I am very simple really. I love my family. I live naturally. I support artists. I admire all things creative. I do it all for God. Let's rise together.


  • Cindy flowers Taylor

    Reply August 27, 2018 11:50 am

    I am so excited for you! Just realize that you are a coach. Welcome to my world. I am a life coach and it is a journey a living as well as giving opportunity for life to other. Looking forward to reading about your journey as I am having mine. Love you over here!

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