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The Creative’s Best Friend

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The Creative’s Best Friend

If you had of asked me 10 years ago what I saw myself doing forever or what I would love doing even if no one paid me, it would be loving and mentoring teenagers. I would have seen myself in some title of traditional teen ministry forever. But lately, I’m feeling like youth pastoring with my husband season was just that, a season. My heart is turned towards the influencers of the generations following me. Some of those influencers are the entertainers and artists those teens allow to mentor them through their tv’s and smartphones. No teen says that’s what they are doing, but they are. What If I could play a small part in influencing those artists into taking their business, skill, and influence seriously? What if I could help to grow the business of the “conscious artists” out there so that they consistently provide their responsible art, and uplifting message to the teens that I love? I would have to say that is my new dream. Basically, I want to be a leader among the new leaders.

I guess one could say my passion has always been to support creatives. I even married a hip-hop artist that I have been building a music business with since day one (even while youth pastoring). I’m not a creative myself. I just seem to have a knack to follow and assist creative leaders. I’m drawn to be a leader among leaders so-to-speak. I’m here to support those who are natural creatives and makers. Creating vividly with sound, color, movement…art, basically. I see the Great Creator in these creatives as they bring things into our tangible existence for a purpose and for the pleasure of us all. As a theist who lives to serve the Great Creator, my Creator, helping creatives around me feels like a natural way of life.

So what now? How do I do this? I am sensing a need to rise up out of hiding, so to speak, and help independent artists and other creatives in business reach their goals. I want to help artists, makers, and creatives to monetize their business by working “on” their business not just “in” their business so that they can continue to create more art. I feel the need to encourage artists to create conscious art while pursuing purpose by being “FOR” something. I want to encourage my community to actively be supporters of local independent (indie) artists, by providing tools and services for their support teams. And I will always strive to model healthy marriages and families for my creative friends too.

I’m inviting you on this journey with me. It’s a journey to rise and allow your unique gifting from your Creator to reflect Him and to be seen by all. Are you a creative? In the comments, tell me what area you want to RISE in when it comes to your talent and passions?

(If this resonates with you and you want to hear more, then follow me at @JeneilFlowers on Instagram and FaceBook.)

Jeneil Flowers

I am very simple really. I love my family. I live naturally. I support artists. I admire all things creative. I do it all for God. Let's rise together.


  • Kimberly French

    Reply June 11, 2018 5:40 pm

    This totally resonates with me. Creatives inspire me to want to help them achieve thier dream. When thier dreams are not only to express themselves creatively, but to surrender to God through thier art I am in awe. I love it. I am so thankful God gave them the courage to use thier talents for his glory.

  • Milton Johnson Jr

    Reply June 11, 2018 7:34 pm

    Once again, great job!!! I like your blogs. They give me a feeling of hope in a way. I am a hip-hop artist myself. I’ve been doing Christian hip-hop for a year and a half now. It’s challenging at times. My church doesn’t really support it. I’ve performed at different venues like nightclubs and lounges because that seems to be the only places I know to perform. I honestly don’t mind because I feel like that’s where God wants me to minister because don’t too many Christians want to be in that environment.

    Anyway, I would like to RISE in the promotion side of things and performance too. I handle all of my social media but I get overwhelmed at times because of everything else I have going on (husband, communication director at my church, full-time job, creating music, etc.). My music is good, but it would be nice to go over my performance with other Christian artists and feed off of like-minded people that are on the same path as I am.

    Well, I will end my rant here. This is just a little about me and the areas I would like to RISE in. Keep up the good work!!!

  • Reinette King

    Reply June 14, 2018 5:11 pm

    Awesome, Jeniel! Such an important transition! Thank you!!

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